Residential Supports

Waivered Foster Homes

Residential supports include waivered foster homes.

Uplift, Inc operates eight Waivered Foster Homes in the Kennebec Valley region including Augusta, Chelsea, Farmingdale, Gardiner, and Waterville. Each home has common areas with individual apartments and all are located in small community neighborhoods.

Many of our homes are designed to support people who have significant medical needs as well as developmental disabilities. Some have nursing staff available at all times, while others have nurses that are available based on the needs of the individuals who live in the home.

Boarding Home

Uplift operates a boarding home for five people with developmental disabilities. Located in Augusta, this home is licensed as a PNMI Boarding Home with five individual apartments.

The home is situated in a convenient in-town setting that is close to area shops and the downtown district.

Supported Living

Residential supports include supported living services.

Supported Living Services (SLS) consist of a broad range of services to adults with developmental disabilities who, through the Person Centered Planning (PCP) process, choose to live in homes they themselves own, rent, or lease in the community. SLS may include assistance with all aspects of life including: common daily living activities and emergencies; becoming a participating member in community life; managing personal financial affairs; selecting and moving into a home; choosing housemates; acquiring household furnishings; as well as other supports.

Our services help individuals exercise meaningful choice and control in their daily lives, including where and with whom to live. SLS are intended to promote an individuals’ full membership in the community, and work toward their long-range personal goals.

Uplift, Inc. will work with the individual to establish and maintain a safe, stable, and independent life in his or her own home.

For more information, please contact:

Ame Drake
Director of Residential Services
Uplift, Inc.
PO Box 1106
Gardiner, ME 04345

Phone: 207-582-8021
